Volunteer Profile – Jack Barsody


Adrian Vasquez

Mr. Jack Barsody

Jack Barsody is 22 years old and is the newest Benedictine Volunteer to come to the Hive. Mr. Barsody is originally from a small town in northern Minnesota where he grew up and went to high school. In Minnesota, Mr. Barsody played football and wrestled in high school. Like many fellow Minnesotans, he loves to spend his time outdoors, hunting, fishing, and camping. After high school, he attended St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. 

He heard about St. Benedict’s when one of his friends on the wrestling team, Muqkadeen Poole ’15, took him to see “The Rule” when the documentary about SBP was being shown at St John’s for a movie night. Ever since seeing “The Rule” he wanted to come to experience how it is here at St. Benedict’s. Now he lives at Newark Abbey as a volunteer.

After graduating college, Mr. Barsody originally wanted to become an officer in the Marine Corps but he got kicked out of the Marines because he had a tattoo he didn’t report to them. He then came to Benedict’s as a volunteer where he helps coach the wrestling team, assists Mr. Adubato in teaching religion for the UD2s, and also helps generally with the ministry. 

Mr. Barsody says there is a big difference between Benedict’s and many public schools. What he finds unique about Benedict’s is that other students care and look after other students compared with many public high schools where people may care less about each other. He also finds the student leadership very unique and interesting since St. Benedict’s is the only school he knows where the students make decisions for the school. He also notices that the teachers here take pride and are passionate for what they do and care about their students. He finds it unique that kids from all different backgrounds, no matter where they come from, can come to Benedict’s and still succeed here and get a good education.

Even though he likes most things about St. Benedict’s there are things that he feels need to improve. Mr. Barsody said, “I am bothered about the amount of kids that take what they have here for granted while the other kids come here and work very hard and try their best.”

Mr. Barsody, who grew up in the countryside, hasn’t become completely comfortable with living in the city. “I don’t know if I love living in the city since I have lived in the country my whole life. I haven’t fully decided yet.”

Mr. Barsody plans to participate in the Trail, if the schedule will allow, and help the freshmen get through it. After Benedict’s, Mr. Barsody plans to go to Yale University in the fall where he will study for a master’s degree in both public health and religion.